Join leading photographer and microscopic researcher Dr. Christopher B. Jackson on a visual journey into the microcosm of this world's molecules, substances, and elements.

Accompanied by scientific facts, this work explores the depths of the smallest to the infinite. Make your way through astounding images and discover the resemblances of extraordinary objects, the regularities in seemingly chaotic structures, and the meaning and significance in the millionth.

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  • Red blood cells.

    Erythrocytes are the most abundant cell type in the human body (~80% of all cells, 4–5×10^6/ml of 6l total blood volume), measure ~7.8μm in diameter and contain haemoglobin – a metalloprotein with four polypeptide chains (two α and two β chains, with >140 amino acids each).

  • The world of pollen.

    Palynology is the study of pollen (lat. powder) – the substance formed by microspores that house the male gametes of plants.

  • Sodium glutamate.

    Glutamates (glutamic acid, its ions and salts) stimulate taste bud receptors inducing the taste known as umami, which is Japanese for essence of deliciousness.

  • Salicin

    Salicin is a natural analgesic, isolated in 1828 from the willow tree species Salix alba.

  • Crystallised chemicals.

    Explore compounds you interact with on a daily basis.

  • Comprehensive bibliography.

    Browse the content of all 360 pages for astounding facts of the microcosm.

About the author

Dr. Christopher B. Jackson studied Philosophy, German literature and Biology in Switzerland (Zürich, Bern and Basel). He majored in Biology in electron microscopic techniques and preservation of biological ultrastructure. He obtained a Ph.D. in Human Genetics in Berne, Switzerland and pursued his postdoctoral work on mitochondrial biology in Finland and Germany. Dr. Jackson is a principal investigator researching mitochondrial function in human diseases.

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